Awardees are selected based on evidence that the proposed activity will provide additional training that adds value to their academic and/or career development in the field of human milk and lactation AND that otherwise cannot be obtained in the current training environment. Awardees will also be selected based on evident potential for career growth in the field of human milk and lactation.
Applicants will be assessed within the context of their specific discipline. Successful applications will meet the following criteria:
- The applicant’s academic record is of high quality.
- The applicant’s training and experience, to-date, are consistent with a career in human milk and lactation research.
- The applicant is able to both excel at and benefit from the training activity.
- Evidence of service to the field of human milk and lactation research is advantageous.
Training experience:
- The travel expansion plan is clearly and logically articulated. The applicant’s role in the training expansion is explicitly stated.
- The learning objectives and training expansion plan document a clear need for, and value of, the training expansion, for both the applicant and the field of human milk and lactation.
- The travel expansion plan is specific to the learning objectives.
- The travel expansion plan is feasible, given the applicant’s academic and research background and expansion timeline.
- The travel expansion timeline is logically justified in relation to the learning objectives.
- The evaluation methods for the achievement of learning objectives are appropriate to measure outcome.
- The budget is fully justified and reasonable in relation to the travel expansion plan.
- The applicant clearly and logically justifies the choice of proposed training institution and/or mentor (as applicable).
- The proposed travel expansion is relevant to the applicant’s career trajectory in the field of human milk and lactation.
- The hosting supervisor has clearly committed (a) to actively mentor the trainee and (b) provide a research environment required to successfully complete the expansion.
- The available space, facilities, equipment, and personnel support are appropriate given (a) the applicant’s academic and research background and (b) the travel expansion plan.
- The hosting supervisor has an excellent mentorship track record and provides a clear mentorship plan for the applicant.
Any Trainee Travel Fund awardee needs to comply with the following:
- Begin the project by April 1st of the year following receiving the award.
- Extension of start date or duration is possible, details have to be negotiated on an individual basis with the TEP responsible at ISRHML.
- The grant recipients and their institutions shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining all necessary approvals from relevant ethics committees, animal review boards and data protection officers as required for the conduct of the project, and for reporting and submitting copies of these approvals to ISRHML or its service provider.
- Timely notification of all changes and deviations from the contract (start date, duration, end date, persons or institutions, etc.).
- Reimbursement of any unused amount to ISRHML.
- Acknowledgement of the support of ISRHML and FLRF in any publications, abstracts or other reports created in relation to the funded work.
- Delivery of a final report to ISRHML within three months of the completion date of the funded activity according to the Awardee Report Template.
- Participate in the TEP Alumni Club to support and mentor others once their project is completed. FLRF and ISRHML will collaborate in creating and supporting the TEP Alumni Club.
The application shall include the following information:
- Application questions
- Curriculum vitae (including publications and prior funding, if available). Please use the EUROPASS format
- Copy of transcript for current studies or most recently completed degree
- Proof of enrollment letter from current academic or training institution (include expected date of program completion)
- Two reference letters – one from current mentor; the second cannot be from proposed hosting mentor
- Support letter and a curriculum vitae (including publications and funding sources) from proposed hosting supervisor (include a confirmation of applicant acceptance at the hosting institution, a mentorship track record, and a description of the mentorship plan
- Documentation of active ISRHML trainee membership
- Budget
Please send the application documents to: